[2020]How to Get Organic Vegetables Directly from Farmers in Japan [bio]
The Environment Surrounding Vegetables in Japan
As you know Japan is a small island.
For long years, there are many small farmers , and JA established a large distribution network.
Thanks to it , we can easily get vegetables in supermarkets.
Vegetables in Japan are mostly non-GMO products.
However, organic vegetables are very rare and hard to get them.
And also, it is hard to get direct access to farmers because of the network.
Standards in Japan
In Japan , there are several standards to show the safety of products.
You can check the following website to see what they are in detail.
JAS : Japanese Agricultural Standard
JGAP : Japan Good Agricultural Practice
How to Get Organic Vegetables in Japan
1. Organic Supermarket
There are some organic Supermarkets in Japan (mostly in Tokyo).
- Bio c' bon
- Natural House
- Natural Mart
- F&F
2. Marche
In Tokyo, many farmers markets are held every weekend.
You can check a list at this website!
The List of Farmers Market in Japan
3. Online
- Tabechoku
The Largest marketplace where organic farmers can sell their vegetables directly to customers.
- bio marche
Traditional large online store of organic vegetables.
How to Use Tabechoku(食べチョク)
(1) Select a Farmer
(2) (can) Ask Contents in Vege-box
↑ Each product page has a question form
(3) Order Form
↑Nickname & Password
↑Credit Card
(4) Wait
Just wait to arrive.
(5) Review
You can write a product review to farmers, and they may send back message to you. It may help you when you get again.
Product List
We will show the list of farmers who can speak English fluently.
※ And at the bottom of this article, we show a short dictionary about organic vegetables.
※Check here if you would like to see only organic vegetables (JAS).
We hope you enjoy a comfortable vegetable life even in Japan!!
Pachamama Farm in IBARAKI
Mr. Nakayama stayed south america for a few years, and started being a farmer in 2012 .
His farm is near from Tokyo. That's why his vegetables are said to be fresh!
Nakazato Natural Farm in Kochi
Mr. and Mrs. Nakazato are known as farmers who are "full of warm hospitality " in Tabechoku.
The farm is located in a small village where is surrounded by a lot of beautiful nature.
They have a lot of fans in Japan because of their fresh vegetables and hospitality.
Awa Tsukuyomi Farm in Tokushima
Awa Tsukuyomi Farm is a very popular farm in Tabechoku.
Their tomato is one of the best sellers.
They have accepted to offer from foreign travelers to stay there.
Farm 1739 in Tochigi
When you would like to try some Japanese rice, we recommend you to buy it.
This product is a set of rice and snacks.
Rice "Koshihikari" is one of the most popular kind of rice.
Snack "Inapon" is an additive-free snack. Its ingredients are only rice, sugar and salt.
Open Pantry in Gunma
The owner of this farm lived in U.K. for 10 years and his wife is from there.
They produce several kinds of vegetable, and please ask them if you need some fresh vegetables.
Fresh Veggie set (Size 60)
Small veggie set contains
Kale, Leek, Spinach, Mizuna green, Komatsuna Flower buds.
Just wrapped in news paper. No plastic bags but if you prefer a plastic bag, please let us know when you place the order.
You might feel this Size 60 for this price is a little bit expensive.
Even 1 box or 3 boxes order we still have to go through the process of harvest-wash-wrap-shipping. Please understand.
[Dictionary between Japanese and English]
有機/オーガニック - organic
自然栽培 - pesticide-free & non-fertilizer
無農薬 – pesticide-free
無添加 – additive-free
平飼い - free range
放し飼い卵 (hanashigai tamago) – free range eggs
グラスフェッドビーフ/牧草牛 – 100 percent grass-fed meat
農家 - Farmer
生産者 - Producer(eg. Farmer,Fisher)
As you know, it is really hard to get organic & fresh vegetables in japan.
I hope you to share this page and tell your friends several ways to get them.
Writer : Yusuke
Love vegetables and farming.
Stayed at several farms in foreign countries (e.g. Texas in U.S. ).
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